Dig through


We consider our finished projects as the luggage we carry along on our next journey. This luggage contains improved insights, regularly upgraded equipment and above all, new experiences. To make every next project always better than the last.

Corporate commercial

Mr. Mofongo

Mr. Mofongo is a global food specialist, located in Groningen. This restaurant stands for high-tech innovation and sustainability as well. Water isn’t spilled, heat is reused, electricity is self regulated, they grow their own herbs and so on.

We believe Mr. Mofongo is an example to other restaurants and that’s why we’ve decided to help them out with this commercial.

Graduation announcement

New Energy Coalition

Due to Covid-19, graduates of the Energy Academy (part of New Energy Coalition) weren't able to come and get their well deserved certificate at the academy. Therefore we were asked to make a short film to congratulate them in a special way.

Short documentary

Kwekerij Lambes

Lambert Eding of Kwekerij Lambes is not only our client, also a friend. He owns an organic farm in (particularly) blueberries and other delicate fruits.

In this short documentary we captured the interesting life story he has to tell.

Travel along with us? Call +316 510 405 14 or send an e-mail to enter@thebrandwagon.nl.